Thursday, October 14, 2010


Today I got the following email from Disney:

Help save sea turtles! Encourage your children and students to vote for IFAW's project in Disney’s Friends for Change!

Sea Turtles have been around for millions of years, but pollution could soon make them extinct. Help IFAW save them.

Register and Vote Now!


Dear Ms.Caloon,

As a participant in IFAW’s Animal Action education programs, we thought you’d like to know about our work to engage and involve children in the Caribbean to help save sea turtles. And we need help from the kids in your life to win support for this project from Disney's Friends for Change: Project Green.

Click the link below to visit their site and register to vote for IFAW's turtle project.

In IFAW's Clearing the Way for Turtles project, kids who live where sea turtles nest in the Caribbean will learn about sea turtle conservation and how they can help save them:

They'll clean up litter from beaches where sea turtle babies hatch;
They'll receive reusable shopping bags to help their families reduce plastic bag use;
When sea turtles come on shore to lay eggs, scientists will tag the turtles so they can identify and track them; And then, using the very latest technology, students will be able to track the sea turtles by using a special web site. So they'll be able to see the direct results of their conservation efforts!

Through the Disney's Friends for Change website, kids have the opportunity to vote for the project that they believe should receive the most funding. And that's where you come in!

Now through November 12, kids can vote on the Friends for Change website to help Disney decide how the next installment of its $1 million in annual donations will be distributed among the five programs. IFAW's "Clearing the Way for Turtles" project will receive a portion of this installment. The amount depends on the percentage of votes earned - first place gets $100,000, so please have the kids in your life click here to register and vote for IFAW's Clearing the Way for Turtles project. And then pass this email on to anyone and everyone who you think might be interested.

The voting period ends soon, so please have them vote today, and help us create a much better tomorrow for our ocean's sea turtles.

Thank you!

Fred O'Regan
IFAW President

p.s. Plastic waste can harm sea turtles and many other animals. Make sure you recycle, reuse, and reduce your plastic consumption. And don't forget to tell the kids in your life to click here to register and vote for IFAW's Clearing the Way for Turtles project.


About Disney's Friends for Change: Project Green
Disney's Friends for Change: Project Green is a multiplatform initiative that helps kids help the planet. Through the program, kids can learn practical ways to help the environment, get their friends involved, track their collective impact and have the opportunity to help Disney decide how $1 million in donations to various environmental causes will be made over the course of a year. Kids can join online at, where they'll pledge to take simple everyday actions, such as turning off the lights and switching to reusable water bottles, and find out more about why these actions matter.


  1. I dont get why people are polluting in the ocean what if someone went in there house and threw a dumpster full of junk in there bedroom so stop littering and save the sea turtles.

  2. Ya i agree with ya George and Disney should really donate that money.

  3. turtles are solw and cute hi ms.caloon and class

  4. i love sea turtles save them

  5. Whats Ms Caloon and class how is your weekend going? I voted to help save the sea turtles. They have a right to live just like we do so come on every one and start voting to save the sea turtles!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi it is mike I hope the sea turtules get saved

  7. Ms. Caloon-I tried to vote to save the turtles, but the Disney website was having technical difficulties. I will try again another day.
